
How Many Types of Massage Do You Know?

The massage chengdu is a healing treatment that involves the application of water-heated basalt stones to key points on the body. It uses smooth stones of various shapes, sizes, and weights arranged in specific patterns on the body. Stones are heated to allow for greater relaxation of stress-tightened muscles that can then be manipulated more effectively by a massage therapist. The technique reduces stress, anxiety, aching muscles, arthritis, insomnia, and depression. It is usually combined with Swedish Massage.
The massage in chengdu is a non-massage form of shiatsu developed in Nanjing to heal the body by harmonizing its flow of energy. It uses 26 pressure points termed "energy locks" where fatigue, tension, or illness can trap energy. By applying prolonged, gentle, manual pressure on these points or even movements of the practitioner's hands over such areas without contact, the body and mind are brought into harmony.
And chengdu massage is a system of massage that utilizes very large, broad movements. Two-handed, forearm, and elbow application of strokes, which cover a broad area. It is used to relax the nervous system, increase circulation, and relieve pain. Sometimes meditation, praying or even a change in diet might be part of the treatment.Hawaiian for "rub rub," is described as "the loving touch – a connection between heart, hand, and soul with the source of all life."

